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Tesla Solar Roofing to Wisconsin

Now you can access solar power AND have a beautiful roof here in Wisconsin! Tesla’s Solar Roof brings you energy savings and the visual appeal of a modern-looking roof. when your neighbors have lost power, your lights will still be on thanks to your Tesla powerwall and Solar RooF.

Bring Your Roof to Life

Solar Roof is the most beautiful roof on the market to power your home with clean solar energy. Made with tempered glass, Solar Roof tiles are more than three times stronger than standard roofing tiles and virtually invisible from street level. Pay less for electricity and generate value for decades.

Invisable Solar

With a fully integrated design, each solar and nonsolar tile is virtually indistinguishable in color and trim. Your brand-new roof delivers no aesthetic compromise and looks incredible from any angle.

Solar Roof Overview

Beautiful Aesthetic

Produce your own clean energy with no aesthetic compromise to your home.

Easy Installation

Order Solar Roof in minutes and we’ll take care of the rest, from design to installation.

Maximum Durability

Made with tempered glass, Solar Roof tiles are three times stronger than standard roofing tiles.

Extra Insulation

Keep your home cool with insulating underlayment and integrated air gaps.

All-Weather Protection

Combine Solar Roof with Powerwall for continuous power when the grid goes down.

TESLA Powerwall 

Product Overview
Power your home and electric vehicle with clean energy and reduce your reliance on the grid.  With solar, you can generate more energy than you need. By combining solar with Powerwall, a rechargeable home battery, you can store excess energy for use anytime—even during a power outage. Monitor the clean energy you produce and manage your system through the Tesla app with 24/7 remote access.

Shop Smart

Tesla SolAr Roof - made for Wisconsin

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